White Claw
A vibrant, bold visual design that mirrors their consumer base and sets the tone for the research and strategy. Crack open a cold one, pull up a chair, and take a sip of this designed deck.
✻ All information has been replaced with filler text or lorem ipsum to protect the confidentiality of the research.
Graphic Design
Presentation Design
Design Strategy
Bold blocks of vibrant colors opposite playful black-and-white photography create a visual presence reminiscent of an editorial magazine or photography book— manifesting the brand personality: Casual and lively.
Repeating text elements invoke all the excitement of an urban, youthful backdrop, while the artistic layout guides the client through the full story of the findings inviting them to linger on each slide, taking in the full picture.
A Picture’s Worth
Emphasis was placed on perfecting the imagery to match the tone of the findings with the brand’s identity. Designing the deck around the images being equal to the text creates a more dynamic visual presence creating an opportunity for two halves of the story to tell their part.
A Bubbly Personality
Presenting consumer feedback in a three-pronged approach: Imagery, descriptor words, and detailed insights— covers all the bases of communication allowing the depth of the research findings to bubble to the surface. These varied lenses craft different perspectives into the same world, gleaning a deeper understanding of the research.